What a company needs to have video conference netmeeting?
(too old to reply)
2006-08-20 21:21:34 UTC
Hi everone,

What does a company need to have video-conference-netmeeting
capabilities? What are the components? Cost of each?

Brian Sullivan
2006-08-20 23:41:45 UTC
Post by m***@yahoo.com
Hi everone,
What does a company need to have video-conference-netmeeting
What sort of "conference" are you referring to and with whom (connecting to
and from outside users if you are behind a gateway/firewall is a definite
problem with NetMeeting)? NetMeeting supports one to one audio/video and
multiparty data conferencing out of the box. To have multiparty audio/video
conferences though requires support of a 3rd party MCU server.
Post by m***@yahoo.com
What are the components? Cost of each?
With NetMeeting's announced retirement there are very few MCU products for
NetMeeting on the market (maybe 0?). OpenMCU (www.openh323.org) is an open
source MCU product -- I am not sure of its current state though.

I would recommend that you do *not* put much effort or money into any
intiative that depends on NetMeeting as the client.
Brian Sullivan
Courses by Wire (http://www.coursesbywire.com)