I got there IP address from them. They opened the
Help/About Netmeeting Window.
But I noticed there where two addresses, the first I
assume is an IP address but what is the second address?
Do I need to put both addresses in the New Call Window?
The person I am trying to remote does not have a firewall
nor a router. They use standard dialup thru ATT
Any help would be appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
Post by tomI am trying to remotely take over a friends computer
Post by tomusing remote desktop. I have the correct IP address
but I
Post by tomkeep getting the error message "Person you called is not
able to accept Netmeeting calls"
How do you know you have the corerct IP address?
Post by tomThe person I am trying to contact has a dialup
Post by tomand uses Win98SE.
Assuming the other party is running NetMeeting, has no
software firewall (
or has a correctly configured one), the ISP does not have
the user behind a
firewall or NAT router and you are calling using the
correct IP (determined
in the help about of NetMeeting just before the call --
dialup users get new
IPs on every connection) you should not have a problem.
Brian Sullivan
Meeting by Wire ( http://www.meetingbywire.com)
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