New to NetMeeting
(too old to reply)
2006-01-05 06:45:02 UTC
I am new to windows netmeeting. I have Windows XP Professional installed on
my system. I have configured NetMeeting for LAN use (by calling IP
addresses). Now I want to use it over internet. I am totally unaware of all
the pre-requisites for my requirement. I have broadband connection for
internet and running internet on my system through Proxy.
Can anybody explain me the same? I will be highly thankfull to them. My
email id is ***@apothecaries.net.
Brian Sullivan
2006-01-05 14:02:13 UTC
Post by Surya
I am new to windows netmeeting. I have Windows XP Professional installed on
my system. I have configured NetMeeting for LAN use (by calling IP
addresses). Now I want to use it over internet.
NetMeeting calls over the internet are really no different than inside your
LAN. Calls are essentially direct -- IP to IP (NetMeeting can participate
in a multiparty MCU server based call or can call via an H.323 gateway
--essentially a protocol specific proxy but those products are rare and
getting rarer).
Post by Surya
I am totally unaware of all
the pre-requisites for my requirement. I have broadband connection for
internet and running internet on my system through Proxy.
What sort of Proxy are you referring to?

If the only connection is through the proxy you may have problems with
outgoing traffic unless the proxies both T.120 and H.323 traffic. Incoming
calls may not be possible.

Since NetMeeting is being retired in future operating systems support and
usage is falling off rapidly, and unless you need some of the specific
features that NetMeeting has (like multiparty data sharing) it may be
better for you to put your effort into something like Msn Messenger,
Brian Sullivan
Courses by Wire (http://www.coursesbywire.com)