Using IP address to make a call
(too old to reply)
2006-10-20 17:51:06 UTC
A friend of mine has Netmeeting, and I have MSN Messenger 7.

How can I call her using the IP address? Is MSN Messenger 7 compatible
with Netmeeting? I'm assuming it is since it was made by the same
company. But I don't see Call by IP Address option in MSN Messenger....

I know I can use the whiteboard in MSN Messenger so I'm not too
concerned about that. Help?
Brian Sullivan
2006-10-21 13:19:46 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
A friend of mine has Netmeeting, and I have MSN Messenger 7.
How can I call her using the IP address?
You can't -- you both must have/use the same program -- but all Microsoft
O/S's up to and including XP have NetMeeting installed so you should be
able to make the call using NetMeeting (assuming there are not obstacles
that make calls difficult or impossible -- like a firewall at one end or
the the other or that one or both of you are behind routers not set up for
such calls),

If the other end is running XP though they should also be capable of
running Messenger -- it would be a better choice then NetMeeting -- which
is being phased out.
Post by j***@gmail.com
Is MSN Messenger 7 compatible
with Netmeeting?
No there is no direct compatiblity.
Post by j***@gmail.com
I'm assuming it is since it was made by the same
Not a good assumption.
Post by j***@gmail.com
But I don't see Call by IP Address option in MSN Messenger....
Messenger and NetMeeting use completely different protocols and connection
Post by j***@gmail.com
I know I can use the whiteboard in MSN Messenger so I'm not too
concerned about that. Help?
I suggest the best use of your effort would be to try to connect in Msn
Messenger - unless there is something making that not feasible.
Brian Sullivan
Courses by Wire (http://www.coursesbywire.com)